Protect yourself when travelling; how to avoid them

  1. The more things you bring into your room, the more chances you have for bedbugs to infiltrate your belongings. Instead, leave the luggage in the car and seal essential items in a Ziploc big bag.  Same for computer bags.
  2. Once in the room, you can proceed with the inspection. If you do not know how to perform an inspection please read our post;
  3. If, nothing is found during the inspection, you should be safe. However, if you wish to take further actions for extra precaution, here are some more tips you could follow;
    • If you do bring items into the room, the best bed bug free zone is the bathtub. The insects will find it difficult to climb up smooth surfaces and then hide in your items.  Store items such as laptop cases and luggage in this area.
    • As an alternative, when entering the room, place luggage on racks and away from the floor and 10 feet away from the bed (about the distance bed bugs will travel on their own).  
    • Keep luggage zipped when not using.
    • Hang clothes in the bathroom, not the closet. 
    • Keep clothes out of drawers since these might be infested with bedbugs.
    • Look for signs of an infestation such as bedbug bites on exposed skin areas during sleep such as on the lower arms and legs. Not everyone is allergic to bedbugs so one person may have bites while another does not.
    • Place items you cannot wash in a zip lock bag such as electronics. Items such as clothing can be washed to make them bed bug free.
    • Pack your own pillow or a bed bug travel pillow which is designed with zippers and seams to keep out bed bugs.  The same pillow can also keep out mold, dust, pollen and dust mites.
    • Use a bed bug insecticide around the bed to be completely safe. Some recommendations for bed bug insecticide here:

Always inspect your mattress to look for signs of bed bugs

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2 Responses

  1. ElenkaMot says:

    or better not to think about it ))

  1. March 25, 2021

    […] Other tips to protect yourself when travelling […]